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History of Mishawaka High School

mishawaka high school circa 1901

Circa 1901

The first school in Mishawaka began in 1834 with all ages groups in one room. The true “One Room School House”. It wasn’t until 1869 that the first High School was erected on the one-half block on the west side of Hill Street between First and Second Streets. Four large classrooms on the first floor and two large classrooms plus the superintendent office were on the second floor. The third floor was unfinished. The basement had the heating plant and rooms for the janitor and his family to live.

In 1877, Hitching Posts were planted on the east side of the High School and 1878 brought the first graduating class of Mishawaka High School.

Even though this building was called the High School, it was really for grades 1-12. By 1897, the lower grades were crowded, so out of necessity, an elementary school was built with a second one following three years later.

Night School was added in 1903 for classes in penmanship and mechanical drawing and a room was wired for light. We are not sure if this is the only room that was wired for light or if they had to add light to and additional room.

In 1904, a three-four room addition was made to the High School and used for the grade school students to make more rooms to accommodate additional high school classes.

mishawaka high school circa 1914

Circa 1914

In 1910, a new high school building was built on Lincolnway West on school property south of the original building. The three-story structure had a capacity to hold 400 students and included a gymnasium, shops, and domestic science rooms in the basement. The old High School was now called “Main School”.

The new building had seven teachers and a female principal, Mary D. Welch. There were five women and two male teachers. During this era, females were not permitted to be married if they were going to be teachers. It was common for female teachers to retire once they found a beau and were married.

The first graduating class of the new High School in 1911 had 25 students. An interesting fact, each class from grade 9 to 12, had their own class officers (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) and their own class colors. For example, senior colors were green and white and juniors were black and gold. The juniors and seniors also had their own class flower and song whereas the freshmen and sophomores only had the officers and colors.

The Athletic Association was formed in the spring of 1910 and by the first semester of 1911 they had a football team, boys and girls basketball and a baseball team.

Years went by with more teachers and subjects being added to the high school, which also meant there were more students. By the spring of 1922, the high school was bursting at 545 students. Superintendent P.C. Emmons formed a committee who chose the site of the new high school, on Lincolnway East. They purchased enough land for an extensive building and for two or three athletic fields.

In 1924, the new high school building was built at 1200 Lincolnway East and the old building at Lincolnway West is now named Main Junior High School for seventh and eighth grades. The new high school is a three-story building between Wenger Street and Gernhart Street covering four-square blocks, including the track and football field.

Once the building was complete, Beiger Elementary students used the classrooms on the east side of the high school while Beiger School was being completed.

The auditorium was finished in 1925, just in time for the seniors to present their play. The cafeteria was completed only a few weeks before summer vacation.

The first principal of the new Mishawaka High School was Mr. C.C. Cauble. There were no assistant principals at this time but there was thirty-two teachers. Most departments had five teachers per department with the exception of a few. Subjects taught were English, History, Math, Domestic Science, Art, Science, Foreign Language (Latin and French), Physical Training, Commercial Course, and Vocational (Drafting, Print Shop, Machine Shop, Wood Shop, Automotive Shop and Electric Shop).

In 1925, Mishawaka High School had only three sports programs; football, basketball, and track plus there were three Yell leaders (cheerleaders).

The Gold letters spelling out MISHAWAKA HIGH SCHOOL were added to the front of the building in 1931.

The stadium was built behind the school in 1939, fully equipped with lights for the field. In 1941, the athletic field was dedicated to the memory of William H. Tupper, previous treasurer and president of the School Board.

hand drawn sketch of mishawaka high school in 1924

Sketch of New Mishawaka High School


black and white photo of main hallway of mishawaka high school in 1924

Main Hall
(prior to move in 1924)

black and white photo of library in mishawaka high school in 1924

(prior to move in 1924)

black and white photo of gym at mishawaka high school in 1924

(prior to move in 1924)

Postcard Circa 1924

Postcard Circa 1924

By 1958, enrollment had grown to 1,985 students. It was such a large growth that a gym addition was needed to relieve the crowded gym classes and sporting events. Plans were underway for an addition to the existing gym to accommodate the ever-growing population. 

Additional study hall space was needed so 276 desk type seats were added to the Auditorium. It was so overcrowded that during the first semester of 1958 there were ten 7:00 AM classes to alleviate the overcrowding in the classrooms and new lockers were added to the first floor.

Piles of dirt, tons of bricks and an enormous steel beam created the new addition to the gym. It had blue doors, 4,071 seating capacity, rollaway bleachers, built-in trophy cases, band alcove, acoustical ceiling, wrestling room, and the largest sliding wall of its kind in the world.

The new gym also allowed more activities for the Girls Athletic Association. Softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, archery, ping-pong, badminton and deck tennis provided the girls with a varied program.

If you remember, back in 1924 there were only 32 teachers. By 1959 the number of teachers had grown to 69. The 82nd graduation ceremony was held in the new gym with 422 seniors graduating. 

In 1959, the sports program had grown from the three teams in 1924, to three football teams, two baseball teams, two track teams, two basketball teams, and there was one cross country, one tennis, one golf and one wrestling team. At this time, there were no girls’ sports teams, only the sports club.

In 1963, another addition to the east side of the building had begun. This addition added nine classrooms, a reading lab, foreign language lab, music and practice rooms and new study hall. The addition was dedicated on April 26, 1964 with the student population at 2,054.

June of 1976 started Phase I of a 4-year renovation. The freshmen classes had been moved to the middle schools because of the overcrowding and would remain there until 1984. A modern PA system was added along with new windows. Other major areas of improvement included the auditorium, cafeteria, gymnasium, library, administrative offices, industrial education wing, hallways, classrooms and the stadium.

A construction project began in 1984, which included the completion of a two-story addition that houses the Music Department on the first floor and classrooms on the second floor.

In January of 1988, construction on the new gym and pool complex was completed. Included in the new gym were a wrestling room, weight room, locker rooms, trainer’s room, and a 1/10 mile running track. The floor of the new gym had separate lines for three tennis courts, several volleyball courts, batting and pitching cage for baseball, long jump pit, driving range for golf, and multi-purpose room for other activities such as physical education class and students in training. The one down side to this addition was the loss of 150-175 parking spaces so students now had to park on the streets.

On April 1, 1999, the science and technology wing were complete along with a new television studio. The new addition featured eleven brand new science labs equipped with all the amenities necessary for conducting science class into the next century. The Industrial technology portion of the new facility houses a manufacturing lab, CAD lab, engineering lab, construction lab, and a transportation lab.

The fall of 2005 brought yet another year of construction. The library and the auditorium were transformed into temporary classrooms while construction was going on in different classrooms. Even the guidance counselors were relocated to temporary spaces during the construction. A new floor plan was implemented in the library to accommodate the addition of Pupil Services to the Main Office. The Main Office was remodeled and extended. The deans offices and attendance office moved to the new extension off the main office and are now known as Pupil Services. This added four offices, teacher workroom with mailboxes, and office for the attendance secretaries. With the attendance office moving to the main office, the guidance office was extended into that vacant space. The deans’ offices became restrooms to replace those that were removed with the Library remodel.

Starting in late 2017 through 2020, extensive renovations and additions have been made at MHS. 

The City of Mishawaka presented MHS with a monument sign that was placed south of the auditorium along Lincolnway. This digital sign is able to display events and messages to the public.

installation of brick sign with digital screen being installed
brick sign with illuminated screen

The front vestibule, in front of the Main Office, was transformed into a new secure entrance with a security check-in booth. Now you must be buzzed in and show ID before you can enter the building during school hours.

The ornate exterior doorframes into the Cave, the main entrance doors and the Auditorium doors inside the front courtyard were all repaired. 

The steps leading up to the front entrance of the school were taken apart, leveled, and rebuilt. Fortunately, the marble slabs that made up the top of the steps were saved and able to stay where they have laid for 94 years.

The Clock Tower received a complete overhaul. With shiny bright hands, it now chimes (with Westminster Chimes) every hour on the hour, between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM. A modern programmable bell system was installed and now it not only chimes but can play music. 

room inside clock tower with clock components
inside of clock tower with old and new clock components
man installing brass clock hands on clock tower

The track had major changes. It was upgraded to an 8-lane track and resurfaced, which now allows for track sectionals to be held at MHS.

mhs track before construction began


resurfaced track at mishawaka high school


In addition to the adding lanes on the track in the stadium, a 24 ft. by 13 ft. video scoreboard was placed at the south end of the stadium. You can now watch the games on the video board produced by the Mishawaka Network.

old football score board on top of school building

Old scoreboard sat on top of the school

new video board at the south end of the football stadium

New video board at the south end of the stadium

The courtyard leading into the stadium was transformed into Alumni Plaza. Trees were removed, the concrete surface is now blocked off with sections of bricks that can be purchased and inscribed with a message. There are also permanent benches and a bronze statue of 1962 cheerleader Rosie Klaer.

old courtyard at mishawaka high school by football field

Old Courtyard

old entrance in courtyard before construction

Old Courtyard

new entrance to alumni plaza

New Alumni Plaza

new alumni plaza brocks, benches, statute, and landscaping

New Alumni Plaza

Major landscaping occurred all around the building, from removing trees, adding plants and bushes, to placing lights along the walkways on the front lawn.

Several houses on Indiana Avenue were purchased by SCM and demolished to make way for a new parking lot. The Main Entrance of the building went from facing Lincoln Way to now facing Indiana Avenue. A “U” drive for easier drop-off and pick-up leads to the new entrance of the building with plenty of parking on both sides of the “U”. A new driveway was also added along Lincoln Way for drop-off and pick-up. With the main entrance moved to the west side of the building, an additional security vestibule was added for visitors.

Lincoln Way Parking Lot During Construction

Lincoln Way Parking Lot During Construction

%22U%22 Drive During Construction

"U" Drive During Construction

ariel view of mishawaka high school before new parking lot construction

Before Construction

ariel map around mishawaka high school

After Construction

Fast forward to 2022, the white sound barrier in the Cave has been removed after 50 years. The ceiling is now open to show the original ceiling. You can even see remnants of the old gym before the addition in 1958. New lighting has also been added in the cave.

With all the changes that have been made to Mishawaka High School from inside to out, it’s still as beautiful as it was in 1924. Once a Caveman, always a Caveman.

ariel view of mishawaka high school