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Closings & Delays


  • On a normal school day, it will be announced no later than 6:00 AM if we are delaying and/or closing.

  • Following a delay, it will be announced no later than 8:30 AM if we are closing.
  • How to receive communication about closings/delays:
    • You will receive official notification via phone call, text, and/or email to the contacts that are provided in Skyward.
    • Following the SCM social media accounts on Facebook @SchoolCityofMishawaka and Twitter @scmschools, is an additional means we will communicate delays and/or cancelations.
    • Announcements/alerts can also be found on our website.
    • Additional media outlets are also contacted: WNDU, WSBT and ABC57.


  • If schools are closed due to inclement weather, they will either be an eLearning day or a closed day that would be made up at the end of the school year. When families are notified of the closing, it will be specified at that time whether it will be an eLearning day or a closed/non-eLearning day.

  • Meals will NOT be served on days schools are closed due to inclement weather.
  • Boys & Girls Club will NOT be in session on a day of school closures.


Breakfast will not be served on a day with a 2-hour delay.

  • All SCM Elementary Schools: 10:30 AM (Doors open at 10:15 AM)
  • John Young Middle School: 10:15 AM (Doors open at 10:08 AM)
  • Mishawaka High School: 10:00 AM (Doors open at 9:15 AM)
  • Any JYMS students attending morning classes at MHS should report to MHS by 10:00 AM on a day with a 2-hour delay.

Boys & Girls Club will NOT operate on a day with a 2-hour delay.

In the event of a 2-hour delay, preschool morning sessions will be canceled.
Breakfast will not be served on a day with a 2-hour delay.

In the event of a 2-hour delay, Head Start will begin 2 hours later than the normal start time.
Breakfast will not be served on a day with a 2-hour delay.


  • Weather conditions are both variable and extreme in Northern Indiana.

  • Concrete rules do not exist for making decisions regarding variable and extreme weather, but these guidelines will serve as a reference for School City of Mishawaka (SCM).

  • SCM believes the public expects schools to be open and to provide education, supervision, and other services (including meals) to its students.
  • SCM believes all parents are committed to keeping children safe and these parents will dress their children appropriately for the weather when sending the children to school.
  • SCM recognizes that it is first and foremost a parental decision to determine if a child should attend school on inclement weather days.
  • SCM respects a parent’s determination regarding their child’s attendance at school during inclement weather. If school is open or delayed, because of inclement weather, the school will respect the parent’s decision to keep their child at home. Parents are expected to contact the school and inform school officials of their determination. The student will be counted as absent, per state code, and students will be given an opportunity to complete their academic work in the same manner as an excused absence from school.

Weather Related School Closures/Delays Communication Protocol